
Q: What is your current user data stats?

Q: What are the main use-cases that you see Glacier serving in the web3 ecosystem?

1)Data NFT: Glacier will be one of the most professional and friendly database protocols used to store NFT metadata as the metadata of NFT is also in the NoSQL data structure. NFT will be the most important user scenario and Glacier will expand the adoption in the NFT space first.

2)SocialFi: SocialFi dApps mainly deal with the social connections of Web3 natives and have great needs in storing the Web3 natives’ social connection data in a structural way. Therefore, Glacier will help the SocialFi developers achieve that in a friendly and low-cost way. At the same time, SocialFi developers could also use the Glacier database engine to easily build a social graph for its users since they could store the user data in a graph database which is supported by Glacier.

3)GameFi: GameFi projects can have thousands of NFT items in their blockchain games, which means that they have a huge burden to store the related asset data and user data. Glacier’s NoSQL database engine could help GameFi developers store them in a structural way in Glacier’s nodes and the Arweave chain. At the same time, they could use Glacier to easily update and query the related asset data and user data by leveraging Glacier’s SDK.

4)Data Monetization: In Web2.0 applications, all the user data is stored in the storage space provided by a single technical giant, like Apple, Facebook or Twitter. As a result, they don’t want to share their user data with other companies to build a universal social graph that could be of tremendous value to society.

Q: Why would DApps use Glacier Network instead of Celestia, Polygon Avail, Eth Storage, Eugene Layer? Celestia for example store their data in their own native network instead Arweave and uses the “commit and reveal” process to transfer data commitments to Ethereum blockchain in which the data will be more consistent and secure.

Celestia, Polygon Avail, Eth Storage, Eugene Layer are Data Availability Layers which keep data only in a short time (about a few weeks).

GlacierDB provides structured data management capabilities in the form of tables, which help dApps to define the data structure, relationships, and constraints. GlacierDB supports complex queries and can efficiently search, sort, and filter data using indexes.

Q: How does Glacier use NFT technology to provide control/access to the database?

NFTs can be used as proof of ownership or permissions to specific collections of the GlacierDB. Users who own specific NFTs would have the right to access or modify the associated data, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with the data.These access rights can be transferred, traded, or sold in a decentralized manner, allowing users to manage their database access without relying on a central authority.(Like NFT token gating)

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