Using Docker

Hardware Requirements


  • CPU with 1+ cores

  • 2GB RAM

  • 4 MBit/sec download Internet service

  • Fast CPU with 2+ cores

  • 4GB+ RAM

  • 8+ MBit/sec download Internet service

  • The verifier node does not need a static IP address or open ports.

  • The verifier node does not require significant storage capacity. The minimum storage needed is merely for the software and its configuration, which should be less than 100MB.

System Requirements

You need to have Docker installed on your system. Follow these steps to install Docker:

Preparation of Private Key and Gas Fees

The Glacier Verifier Test Node currently secures verifier tasks on the OpBNB Testnet. Consequently, Node Operators will need some tBNB Tokens on the OpBNB Testnet to cover gas expenses for running the verifier nodes. Follow these steps to prepare OpBNB Testnet gas fees for the address used to operate the verifier node, if you already have gas fees on the OpBNB Testnet, just skip the following steps.

  1. Create a wallet HowTo

  2. Connect to OpBNB Testnet HowTo

  3. Get some OpBNB Token HowTo

  4. Transfer your testing assets to opBNB HowTo

  5. Export the private key from MetaMask HowTo

Own Your Node License

Currently, we will automatically mint the Node License NFT for you on the OpBNB Testnet the first time the verifier node goes online and is registered on the smart contract, eliminating the need for you to request it manually. Please note that the minting process may take several minutes.

The Node License NFT on testnet is not transferable.

Run A Node

Run the following command with YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY

docker run -d -e PRIVATE_KEY=$YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY --name glacier-verifier

Your node should be ready to go!.

Visit Node Explorer

The online status of the verifier nodes on the testnet can be checked here:

Contract Addresses(Testnet)

Last updated