1️Glacier Concept

This chapter will introduce the basic concepts of Glacier. Glacier's APIs are designed with reference to MongoDB. Therefore, you can get in hand with Glacier quickly if you are familiar with MongoDB development.


Namespace is a collection of Datasets. Developers need to create corresponding Namespaces for their projects before using Glacier


Dataset is a collection of Collections. But keep in mind that every Dataset must be assigned to Namespace it belongs.


Collection is like a table, which is the same concept in MongoDB. It is used to store entity data records. Creating a Collection requires specifying Dataset it belongs to. So if you want to use Glacier for data storage, you need to determine the first three paths, that is, Namespace / Dataset / Collection


Glacier is developers-oriented. Data queries are publicly accessible, but operations such as writing, modifying, and deleting must be signed by the user's Ethereum wallet, and other users cannot modify it.

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